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2021-04-20 14:40 未知 区块链 编辑:莉莉 浏览数:智能汽车网

 Whats a good way to increase wealth quickly? Not by luck, not by gambling, but to grasp the wind of the times. Kennedy has a famous saying: the reason why we want to predict and judge the future is not because it is easy, but because it is...

What's a good way to increase wealth quickly?

Not by luck, not by gambling, but to grasp the wind of the times.

Kennedy has a famous saying: the reason why we want to predict and judge the future is not because it is easy, but because it is difficult.

What ordinary people need to do is to find the difference breaking point on the basis of matching ability.

What is the difference breaking point? The rapid changes of blockchain are dazzling, new species are coming, and all kinds of outlets are coming. In 2020, the birth and rise of defi is the best breaking point!

However, the era of defi 1.0 in 2020 only starts on the basis of decentralized lending. When the time line comes to 2021, the new era of blockchain is dominated by defi 2.0!






何为“差异化破局点”?区块链急剧的变化让人眼花缭乱,新物种应接不暇,各种风口接踵而至,2020年,DeFi 的诞生与兴起,就是最佳破局点!

然而,2020年的DeFi 1.0时代只是在去中心化借贷基础上拉开帷幕,时间线来到2021年,全新的区块链时代风口,当属DeFi 2.0!

Visa seeks to break in 2021



There is no doubt that in the past 2020, the momentum of defi is very strong, which is the first year of the outbreak of defi.


毫无疑问,过去的2020年,DeFi 势头很猛,是DeFi 爆发的元年。

In July / August 2020, the lock up volume of the well-known defi projects on the Ethereum chain, including makerdao, AAVE and curve, will reach 1 billion US dollars one after another.


在2020年7/8月份,以太坊链上比较知名的DEFI项目,MakerDAO、AAVE、Curve 锁仓量相继达到 10 亿美元。

Back in 2018, with the launch of DAPP, visa paid attention to the understanding and use of this shaking chain. And new research.



June 2019: visa was granted the Canadian MSB financial license.



December 2019: visa projects to develop mother currency VK (benchmarking usdt price) and daughter currency visa.



March 2020: visa was granted the Australian cryptocurrency austrac financial license.



Cooperation with various parties in 2020 has established visa's affirmation of market and technological progress.



In 2021, with the strong support of technological objectives and multi-party cooperation platform, visa will turn the tide in the eyes of global chain people, It is committed to creating the world's first public chain of ecological mining and payment, and launching a global payment channel of international digital assets and legal currency exchange. Finally, it will form a converged defi financial platform to help users realize convenient, efficient and low-cost decentralized financial services in the true sense.


2021年在大力的将技术目标及多方合作平台的大力支持下, 维萨力挽狂澜的出现在全球链民的目光下,致力于打造全球首创DeFi生态挖矿支付公链,并推出全球性的国际通用的数字资产与法币汇兑的支付通道,最终形成聚合型 DeFi 金融平台,帮助用户实现真正意义上的便捷高效低成本的去中心化金融服务。

New financial model: full coverage of digital currency functions: wallet, trading center, stable currency, payment, lending And so on, asset hedging, value storage, investment and financing, complete ecosystem, establish a complete defi ecosystem, chain securities, chain futures, chain insurance, Chain Commerce, etc.. Create an unprecedented defi2.0 digital system ecosystem.



Visa is also an open, distributed, decentralized and integrated defi + NFT + Dao ecosystem with diverse financial scenarios. Through the cooperation of visa ecosystem, we can build a comprehensive service platform integrating public chain, distributed financial infrastructure and financial service agreement. Based on the bottom technology of wave field 4.0, visa co built cross chain, intelligent investment consultant, NFT technology development, AI chain capture, language machine and other technical fields for in-depth development. On this basis, it issued the mother currency VK and the subsidiary currency visa, which has the voting right of Dao autonomous organization and is the bearing carrier of visa's relevant income and value.


维萨还是一个开放式、分布式、去中心化融合的 DeFi+NFT+DAO生态体系,有着多样性的金融场景,通过维萨生态体系进行协同,构建以公有链、分布式金融基础设施、金融服务协议等于一体的综合性服务平台。 维萨基于波场4.0底层技术共建跨链、智能投顾、NFT技术开发、AI链上捕捉、语言机等技术领域进行深入开发。并在此基础上发布了母币VK以及子币VISA,它拥有DAO自治化组织的投票权,是维萨相关收益和价值的承受载体。

Visa platform · double pass mechanism

Token: VK

Total issue: 91 million

Issue price: 1 usdt

Release: after releasing 10% online, release 10% every month

Consensus mechanism: vdpos (dpos + pbft)

The official stable currency pass of visa platform is developed and managed by visa Dao, which is the infrastructure of defi. VK is issued by the full mortgage guarantee of the assets on the chain, which is anchored at 1:1 with us dollar, and 1vk = US dollar. Individuals and enterprises can exchange VK or mortgage VK to obtain hedging assets and liquidity. VK has application scenarios in mortgage, margin trading, international transfer, supply chain finance, etc.



通证符号: VK

发行总量: 9100万枚

发行价格: 1USDT


共识机制: VDPoS ( DPoS+pBFT )

维萨平台官方稳定币通证由维萨 DAO开发并管理,是DEFI的基础设施。VK由链上资产足额抵押担保发行,和美元保持1:1锚定,1VK=1美元。个人和企业可以通过兑换VK或者抵押VK获得避险资产和流动资金。VK在抵押贷款、保证金交易、国际转账、供应链金融等方面都有应用场景。

Token: Visa

Total issue: 19.7 million

Issue price: 0.1 usdt

Release: release 5% per month after 10% online

Last time: October

Visa consensus mechanism: vdpos (dpos + pbft)

Visa platform token is a decentralized value currency, which is developed and managed by visa Dao. It is a circulating digital currency in decentralized finance. By VK lock liquidity mining output, unilateral rise. The decentralized chain reform ecology applied to visa financial platform has complete market attributes, and the token value changes with the change of market supply and demand.


通证符号: VISA

发行总量: 1970万枚

发行价格: 0.1USDT



VISA共识机制: VDPoS ( DPoS+pBFT )

维萨平台子币通证是去中心化价值币,由维萨 DAO开发并管理,是去中心化金融中的流通数字货币。由VK 锁仓流动性挖矿产出,单边上涨。应用于维萨金融平台的去中心化链改生态,具备完全的市场属性,通证价值随着市场供需关系的改变而改变。

Visa is a decentralized Internet digital asset, which can support advanced software intelligent digital currency without network, traceback and IP location. Visa function will be used for all cold wallet Gwei payment, not affected by any organization, tracking, and achieve the confidential asset management of invisible assets.



Visa landing ecology

Visa is a card issued by the famous credit card company master, which can be consumed in most parts of the world.

Visa offers a wide range of credit and debit products to meet all kinds of payment and living needs.


Visa, the most popular card in the world, enjoys convenient, safe and reliable payment services. Regardless of daily shopping, hotel reservation, or online bookstore shopping, visa card is most recognized and accepted by merchants, and is equally popular online and in the real world.

golden card

As long as you hold a visa gold card, you can enjoy a credit line of more than $5000, revolving credit line, emergency card replacement service and travel cash payment service. In addition, visa gold card holders can enjoy travel accident insurance, medical and legal services introduction and assistance, as well as visa global emergency service center 24 hours a day free telephone support. ·

Debit Card

Visa debit card can pay directly from the bank account, and the payment record will be detailed in the bank statement, making financial management easier and more convenient.

Regardless of daily shopping, dining in restaurants, car refueling, travel shopping, you can use Visa debit card to pay. Naturally, everything is easier. You can also use a Visa debit card to withdraw cash from ATMs around the world. Visa debit card makes the shopping process faster, more convenient and safer, and can be accepted by tens of millions of merchants around the world.








只要手持Visa金卡,便可享有一般超过5,000美元的信用额度、循环信贷额度、紧急补发新卡服务及旅行现金支出服务。此外,Visa金卡持有人更可享有旅行意外保险、医疗及法律服务介绍及协助,以及Visa全球紧急服务中心每日24小时不间断的免费电话支援。 ·




Accurate visa rights services for high-end visa cardholders. Based on the usage data of visa high-end cards, this paper conducts Card Association clustering, associates different visa cards with the same user, and realizes risk control, accurate service, amount increase and other services. Based on a large number of cross-border transaction data of visa card users, this paper extracts and analyzes the common features of users' consumption habits, so as to intelligently recommend suitable merchant co branded card rights and activities for customers, and also help visa select the cooperative merchant whose cardholders use more rights.



Panoramic marketing anti fraud scheme based on mobile terminal. Using the unique device fingerprint technology, real-time monitoring the authenticity of customers in the process of marketing, so as to carry out risk control links in the process of marketing, such as anti fraud, anti wool collection, anti malicious crawling. Combined with the high volume marketing information of visa and bank, it provides the source code, interface and data link protection of mobile terminal in advance, real-time risk control in the event, blocking of machine behavior, and strategy optimization after the event.



Cooperate with visa to realize the overall scheme of opening to management of domestic and overseas corporate accounts. In China, based on the close cooperation and data accumulation between easy access and city commercial banks, and in the cross-border scenario, combined with visa's various qualification audit rules for enterprises, a complete set of account management capabilities including KYC underlying capabilities for merchants, account opening platform, cross-border payment merchant qualification audit are exported to banks in Hong Kong, Laos, Thailand and other countries or regions.



Combined with visa's data network, it solves the centralized pain points of cross-border transactions in OTA business travel field, such as foreign exchange advance, ticket refund and procedure clearing, integrates API to provide credit, risk control and other financial services, obtains high net worth customers for banks and visa through 2b2c mode, and develops a unified industry wide solution for business travel / airline upstream and downstream.



Visa mining machinery is expected to go online in September this year, and the global sales of futures computing power, spot computing power t.p.h

Visa card was issued in 1976. Its predecessor was bank americard issued by Bank of America

In June 2017, brandz's top 100 global most valuable brands in 2017 announced that visa ranked seventh with a brand value of US $110.999 billion. [1] On May 29, 2018, "brandz global top 100 most valuable brands in 2018" was released, and visa ranked 7th. Visa digital financial R & D institutions have developed visa global substantive application payment chain, which can be applied to non network payment and cannot be traced and positioned. Visa payment chain will make global payment in 2022, which will truly open the door of visa global digital assets.



VISA卡于1976年开始发行,它的前身是由美洲银行所发行的Bank Americard


Visa will officially open the payment application without network function on October 1, 2021, and launch 57 exchanges such as bithumb, bitmex, coin security and fire coin.



The era of WiFi 2.0 in 2020 has been missed. Are you not sure about the future of WiFi 2.0 in 2021?


2020年DeFi 2.0时代已经错过,2021年DeFi 2.0的风口还不把握吗?

Unprecedented global launch, visa ignites defi 2.0!


全球启动 盛况空前 维萨点燃DeFi 2.0!

上一篇:Nth power(N次方),区块链信仰者发起的一场伟大实验!






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